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Our Team

by Michael McCrystal

Cultural Earth Tours is a friends and family-owned business that stretches across two continents. We cherish the diversity of nature, humanity, and beauty. We endeavor to fill every day with possibilities, wonderful experiences, and good health.

Marissa Irons


I was born in Georgetown the capital city of Guyana. My mother is from the Makushi and Arawak tribe, two of the nine Amerindian tribes native to Guyana. She was born in a small village called Tipuri it is located in the upper Takutu-upper Essequibo region of Guyana. It was from my early years on a ranch that was surrounded by mountains, forest, and wildlife that my love and appreciation for our culture, environment and wildlife began. As a child it was imprinted in my heart of how lucky I was to have the life I did. As I got older, I left the ranch life to further my education. My time in the city added to my interests and knowledge of the diverse culture of the Guyanese diaspora and as a young adult the desire to share my beautiful country and culture with the world began to grow. I realized how important it is to preserve the knowledge and culture of my ancestors and other tribes for the next and future generations. In my young adult years, I returned to my second home and after visiting a few times as an adult the desire to share my beautiful country and culture with the world began to grow and i wanted the culture and knowledge of my people and the other tribes to be preserved even more. My tours are an example of an Indigenous and a ranch life, exposing my guests to our culture, birding and wildlife, and memories that you will take with you for a lifetime. I would like to take the time to thank you for coming and being part of Cultural Earth Tours and I look forward to seeing you again.

Leon Moore

Tour Leader

As an active and passionate eBirder and regional reviewer for eBird Guyana, Leon has seen more than two thirds of Guyana bird species and is ranked as the top eBirder for is country. Leon Moore is an ex-military soldier and is now considered by many as one of the most knowledgeable birding and naturalist guides in Guyana. A genuine concern for Guyana’s ecosystem, the preservation of its wildlife coupled with his interest in birding ultimately led to this new direction in career. This redirection into in tourism and conservation started in 2008, during his tenure with Baganara Island Resort, located on the Essequibo River as their Guest Service Officer and General Tour Guide. There he developed his first Bird List in anticipation of birders’ interest in the location and unique sightings. During that time, his involvement with birding conservation extended to serving as Bird Censor as field officer for water birds with GATBS /Wetland International in the Essequibo River. In the years that followed, Leon developed a series of bird checklists by region for the ten administrative regions of Guyana and for several tourist resorts and lodges.

A momentous occasion for any birder is the identification of a new bird spotted 38 Miles up the Essequibo River for Guyana, Black- Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyly) which Leon counts as an outstanding moment and a pleasure to have been involved in that discovery. The Black- Legged Kittiwake was considered a new recording for Guyana.

John Christian

Bird & Nature Guide

John Christian is one of Guyana best Macushi tour guide… working at Atta Rainforest Lodge for serval years as a tour guide, he has gain experience and knowledge from the best international tour Guides who was willing to share their knowledge with him……John will give you the best tour experiences we have to offer. Someone that you will never forget and a proud tour guide.